Saturday, January 31, 2009

I wish life were a musical...seriously!

It's amazing what happens when you listen to music from a musical. For me having spent most of my life in music festivals and performing for people, I never tire of hearing great songs from kick ass productions and I always wish I could have done certain songs in different places. One of my songs of choice would be "Wishing you were somehow here again" from Phantom or "Easy to be hard" from HAIR. Of course any song from RENT would do: "Out tonight" or the lesbian song "Take me or leave me." See? Musicaholic!

Every time I watched a musical I always wished life could be like that. People break into random song and dance and life would be swell. Uhhh....did I just use the word swell??? 1945 called, they want their word back! Golly....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ease on down the road....

As I said in the last post, this week has been busy. with everything from shooting, recording and learning new programs, it's been a whirlwind of activity. So, in an hour I will be going out to shoot another interview for my doc which should be interesting. After that i have an interview with Rob for my multi-media project. Rob is dressed as a girl today, which makes it even more interesting and entertaining. Oh, yes....I have a camera. 

So, I'll keep easing on down the road and meeting the challenges as they come up. 


Another year older....

Well, I made it to 23 relatively unscathed. The week was a week from Hell as it was so busy, I could barely sit down to think. On my actual day, we shot the final show of CCN, which was interesting - after the class bombarded me with a rendition of Happy Birthday, then watched as I flubbed my way through the poorly written cue cards. Oh what fun! Actually it was as we shared a lot of laughs and I only cringe to see or hear what Ryan caught on camera (he was shooting footage of the taping). The rest of the day was fun and now I look forward to this year - I move back to Winnipeg for awhile and then in the new year it's off to New Zealand! After that, who knows....   

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Working away

Well, the second week has gone by and I still feel as though I'm completely useless. I can't get back into that working headspace though I have been woorking. I'm feeling sluggish and hoping next week will change things around and I'll get back on the ball again. UGH.

That's all I have to say for now.

Discrimination in the court room

I'm reading a manuscript right now that was written by my boyfriend Steve's now 2nd ex -wife. I know it sounds odd but it is a way to learn about his past so we can become closer in the future. Anyway, the manuscript is about Steve's custody battle with his estranged first wife. It is a heart wrenching story that sends shivers up the reader's spine when one reads what he went through. His first ex played the system like a professional concert violinist, who could create beautiful music set in a minor or diminished key to make it sound spooky and scare the listener by intimidating notes that haunt the soul and pierce the heart.

Steve's ex was dangerous, once pulling a knife on him and claiming innocence. During the custody battle, she hired a Rottweiler of a lawyer who was after his blood anyway he could get it. She was phychotic and involved her kids to gang the upper hand legally. She had him arrested and charged with assault. Now anyone who knows Steve, knows he couldn't hurt a fly let alone a person. It's true actually as he went to school for Entomology. In the end she turned their kids against him with nothing but lies and manipulation.

The sad part is that though she was unreliable and not a credible witness, the courts let her get away with virtually murder as she killed the loving caring relationship he had with his girls. Men have been treated unfairly in this country for too long. And yes, in some cases it does its job but when a loving parent is trying to take care of his children and they say no you can't because you are not the mother, it is severely unnerving. Reading the story has been a tedious task as I can only imagine what it must have been like. I thank God that my parents were fair and didn't drag my brother and I into it and try and pit us against one or the other. Good men and good fathers are being abused by the system and it is time we stood up to that system. For years, the courts have always sided with the mother whether she was a fit parent or not. Steve's ex was not though the courts gave her sole custody and destroyed the kids' relationship by brainwashing them and buying their love.

Please take a stand against this form of discrimination. The courts need to rule that the better parent should be granted sole custody regardless of gender.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Small town girl

It's funny, I've lived in a small town all my life and yet I am still baffled by small town mentality. I came from a small Northwestern Ontario (NWO) town and even though I was a dreamer and wanted out, people I knew from school etc, stayed behind. Tell me, why is it that people from small towns find it hard to leave and go out into the world? Granted, not all people are like that but it is curious is it not? My friends from HS are still there with jobs at the grocery or movie store, and if they do go away to school, they always come back and get jobs in their hometown. Some as teachers others as mill workers. 

My mother said it was the same small town mentality: they stick with what they know. She said this to me after my so-called BFF ditched me to be with her cousins who she sees EVER DAY. In truth, we haven't been best friends in about 4 years though she still believes it. I just believe the whole world can be your oyster and it's there for the taking. Yes, I understand that money is sometimes the issue but I believe one must go out anyway and work your way up and life will happen. Maybe it's me, maybe I'm biased but life is too short not explore and travel and see the world. Live, love, laugh and learn is my mantra....or one of them, so get out of that small town and explore!! Same to all you city people. Get away from the concrete jungle and see the way other people live - get out of the bars and clubs and go see something cultural, OK? 


Environmentally friendly indeed....

JD Irving LTD has just added another problem to their list: One of their oil rigs has sunk of the coast of NS. Well we go again. As of right now there is no deadline for them to start cleaning up and have issued a statement saying the tanker won't start leaking for another 50 years. In essence: No worries, we'll get around to it, we're just going to do it on our own time. 

I thought they were supposed to be a Eco-friendly company, at least that's what I was told. Look at all the trees they are planting and jobs they are providing....yeah well that was before they became negligent. Some one needs to speak up and protest against this BS and make them pay for the lives they could damage. Especially all the wildlife they will destroy and ecosystems around the area. 

Way to go guys, way to go.